Sun 5 Feb
Danses Basques (Fandango, etc.)
Joint the series of Workshops to finally learn some Basque moves!
All the necessary information below:
ADDRESS: Rudolfstrasse 15, 8400 Winterthur (Eingang durch Hotel Wartmann, im Untergeschoss)
DATES & DURATION: room already booked for the following dates:
• 27th November 15.00 – 18.00 Revise: Fandango & Jauziak
• 5th February 15.00 – 18.00 Fandango new steps & Carnaval de Lantz
• 19th February 15.00 – 18.00 Arin-arin from scratch & Jauziak
• 5th March 15.00 – 18.00 Arin-arin revision & Complete revision
• 27th Nov.:
o First 1.5 hours: we will start with Fandango from scratch.
o Second 1.5 hours: we will revise the main steps of Jauziak (sept sautes, etc.)
• 5th Feb. (after a long Christmas break):
o First 1.5 hours: we will advance with more fandango steps and improving the style.
o Second 1.5 hours: we will learn/revise Lantzeko inhauteriak (Carnaval de Lanz).
• 19th Feb:
o First 1.5 hours: we will start with Arin-Arin from scratch.
o Second 1.5 hours: we will continue learning more steps for Jauziak
• 5th March:
o First 1.5 hours: we will advance with Arin-Arin.
o Second 1.5 hours: complete revision of what we learnt.
CLOTHING: Bring comfortable shoes und sportive outfit (flexible trousers, not tight jeans).
PRICE: 15 CHF, so that I can cover the expenses for the room.
Looking forward to having fun with you!
PS: Some short movies to keep you motivated :)
Fandango & arin arin:
Fandango (a modern coreography):
Arin-arin: (a modern coreography)
Lantzeko inhauteriak/Carnaval de Lanz: danced in the original festivity
Imanol Zabaleta
Publié par Imanol Zabaleta comme "Atelier régulier".