Mon 23 Oct au Thu 2 Nov
international youth exchange project
Bal folk * social change * sustainability
a transformative dance and learning journey
23rd October-2nd November 2017
Essertfallon, Switzerland
How can dancing (bal folk) be part of creating a more
connected society and a sustainable way of life?
How can dancing be an instrument of inclusion and
catalyzer of social change?
What do dancefloor dynamics teach us about life,
society and ourselves?
is an international youth exchange project
supported by Movetia Swiss Foundation.
We invite 20 young people between 17 and 30
and 4 group leaders of any age from Switzerland,
France, Italy, Germany and Latvia to take part in
the project. The program will support participants
to intensively work on their dance skills and
technique and in the same time reflect on the
role of dancing in their lives and explore how their
passion and enthusiasm for dancing can be a
catalyzer for social change and for creating a
more just and sustainable world.
Any questions?
More info & registration:
Publié par Cecilia comme "Stage".
Les selections pour les participants qui viennent de la Suisse sont encore ouvertes! Ici le lien pour s’inscrire:
— Cecilia · 17.09.26, 12:43 · #